Johann Fust Library . Boca Grande, Florida.

Funded by a private endowment, this Library designed by Henry Richardson Shepley opened its doors January 1, 1950.  For many years it has served its original vision as a place for island residents to enjoy the pleasures of literature and other cultural refinements.  In recent years the Library’s inability to accommodate the needs of modern library users and an accumulation of electrical and mechanical “improvements” contributed to declining use and degraded aesthetic appeal.

The primary goal for the project was to return the Library to its position of importance and service in the community. Generally, the work included repairing and restoring existing elements, materials, and finishes, removing barriers and providing features of accessibility, repurposing existing spaces to serve new Library functions and providing the mechanical and electrical infrastructure needed for a Library today.  In addition to this the landscaped courtyard, long a place for gatherings of all types, was reworked to allow for greater use.

The original garden storage and potting shed is adapted to be a Children’s Library and a contained outdoor reading area for children.  The original garage is adapted to be the new Media Library, with the roof of the garage lifted above new clerestory windows to bring volume and natural light to an otherwise uninhabitable space.

As a result of the improvements, the County Library is no longer competing with this Library for patrons and has taken residence in this building, returning the Island’s Library function to its historical and rightful home.

Photographer: Wayne Eastep